Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Pain and everything that goes with it!

I have been suffering from a severe wrist pain the past few days, so robi has been tying my hand up for me every day in a crepe bandage. luckily work is slow for me this week, so not much typing. The pain is most severe when my wrist bends. The other day K did some circus sitting on my lap in the car causing my wrist to bend backwards nicely, which made me yell out in pain. My poor baby got quite a shock - so I had to explain "ouch - ammakka vethana" (amma's got pain).

Karan has been so sweet and sensitive since then. Everytime he walks past me and sees my bandaged hand he says amma "nena" (his version of the word "pain") and kisses my bandaged hand. The first day he didn't exactly understand the concept of pain though. He just knew in some way that his amma was in discomfort. He would kiss my hand and then say "kalan nena" pointing to his wrist so that I would kiss him back.

On the third day, it suddenly hit him i think what "nena" really meant - cos he pointed to his cut lip (he fell down the other day and cut his lip quite badly) and said "kalan nena". I am soooo glad he's figured that one out - cos now (i hope) he will be able to tell us whenever he is in pain, so so that we dont have to guess what is wrong with him when he cries without there being any obvious reason.

For the first time i enjoyed being sick cos i have got so much sympathy from my son! i wonder if he will still be so sensitive when he grows up - my guess is that he wont, but only time will tell!


Blogger Rohini said...

It's such a relief, isn't it? Ayaan started saying 'erty' (hurty) a couple of months ago. And he also gives whatever hurt him a dose of its own message why whacking it hard and saying 'naughty'

Thursday, April 26, 2007  
Blogger lawyeramma said...

so cute!!

yes, i cant tell you what a relief it is. Karan does the same thing - hits anything that hurt him and says "adi"....(meaning "slap"), he also makes me follow suit.

Thursday, April 26, 2007  
Blogger the mad momma said...

hey... i had that too.. its repetitive stress injury... from carrying a baby as well as typing on the computer etc... take it easy and tie it up for a while and you should be alright.

Monday, April 30, 2007  
Blogger lawyeramma said...

thanks mad momma- that's what my brother told me as well. I tied up for about 2 weeks (although i cant say i took it very easy). but the pain has finally gone!

Thursday, May 03, 2007  

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