Procrastination and K's 3rd birthday pics!
I feel ashamed to call myself a blogger, cos I have completely disappeared from blogospehere other than commenting on my favourite blogs. so many blogs have formed in my head - some very personal ones, but I just never got myself to posting...either because they were a little too personal or because I was busy with something else.

While I'm really prompt for all office stuff (and even absolutely hate it when my colleagues delay stuff), I am a severe procrastinator when it comes to home and personal stuff like getting stuff repaired in the house, filing complaints with the furniture store for our cracked furniture, updating my blog....the list just goes on an on. Heck I even postpone discussing things that are upsetting/bothering me with my mom and Robs (my two main confidantes these days) till I know both they and I have sufficient time to spare...
Any idea whether this procastrination on the home front is a sign of something?? Better still, any suggestions on how to improve?
Anyway, here are pics of K's birthday (theme was blue), which was like over 6 months ago, which I finally got round to uploading just yesterda
Nice! Everyone looks suitably exhausted by the last pic :)
Lovely pics. I especially love the cake!
Good to have you back. Write more often. But if you don't, all it means is that you're too busy living your life to blog about it. Which is a good thing...
roopa..dunno if u remember me.... i did this career orientation course at ywca with a corpus gang which has sareeka, kavitha, u , ur brother rohit and few more... i met becky at gmart once.... what a small world...
Wow, dont recall. do you have any photos?
Hey lovely pics . Karan looks very pleased with himself !
Dear Blogger,
We are a group of students from cochin who are currently building a web portal on kerala. in which we wish to include a kerala blog roll with links to blogs maintained by malayali's or blogs on kerala.
you could find our site here:
the site is currently being constructed and will be finished by 1st of Oct 2009.
we wish to include your blog located here
we'll also have a feed fetcher which updates the recently updated blogs from among the listed blogs thus generating traffic to your recently posted entries.
If you are interested in listing your site in our blog roll; kindly include a link to our site in your blog in the prescribed format and send us a reply to and we'll add your blog immediately. Ypu can add to our blog if you have more blog pls sent us the link of other blog we will add here
pls use the following format to link to us
Write Back To me Over here
hoping to hear from you soon.
warm regards
Biby Cletus
I truly believe that we have reached the point where technology has become one with our society, and I am fairly confident when I say that we have passed the point of no return in our relationship with technology.
I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Societal concerns aside... I just hope that as technology further develops, the possibility of uploading our brains onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's one of the things I really wish I could see in my lifetime.
(Posted on Nintendo DS running [url=]R4 SDHC[/url] DS Ting2)
great read. I would love to follow you on twitter.
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