Monday, April 26, 2010

A busy month!

April has been a busy month for us!

For one, Karan had his Sports Day. He got a Grade A for his participation in the activities that day....we are not sure what exactly that means.

Here's our UKG-B Sports boy!

For another, it was Robi's birthday.

The cake was extra small given that we were not growing any thinner. Here's my 35 year old husband with his greatest achievements till date.

And then Kavya had her first hair cut (a la RC Ammacha and Anju ammai), Karan's school closed for the summer holidays and we went on a vacation to Mahabs.

Here's a picture of Karan & Kavya lazing on the pool chairs in Temple Bay (Kavya sporting her new hairsytle),

one of Kavya enjoying her first swim
and one of Karan swimming on his own. As you can see it was pretty much a pool holiday and I kept quipping to Karan about how he had started to grow gills!

Last but not least, Karan and I had our first game of serious Pictionary. Well, I was looking at the cards and drawing pictures for him to guess and he was just drawing pictures. He got to move forward spaces if I guessed correctly and I got to move forward if he guessed mine correctly. Here are some of my favourite pictures that K drew. Chicken Soup & Mango Duet (I guessed both) and Christmas Tree (which I guessed) & Setting Sun (which I didn't)


Anonymous suemamma said...

I'm sure Kavs feels better with her new hair cut :-)But I did like her little bow.
K's chicken soup was pretty good and the setting sun, hmmm.....:-D

Monday, April 26, 2010  
Blogger Rohini said...

A pool holiday sounds perfect for this weather as does a haircut! Looks like a fun month was had!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chech, very impressie - I didn't know that you knew how to upload pictures and stuff!

Sunday, May 02, 2010  

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